The benefits of a cloud architecture URL categorization and filtering technology include minimal resource requirements, virtually no latency, full utilization of the inCompass technology, the only 4th generation URL filtering and web security technology in the industry. In addition, a customizable user interface to mimic a vendor’s own user interface and branding, sophisticated policy management features (if required), and full maintenance and support, including upgrades, make cloud URL filtering a serious contender in many use cases.
Full policy management down to the web page level, all done in the cloud. Although DNS solutions are blunt tools for blocking domains, NetSTAR has a release of inCompass technology for Cloud use that offers a truly customizable and refined cloud-based solution. With access nodes spread around the globe for redundancy and access, the users experience no latency while receiving superior protection.
NetSTAR’s global deployment of Cloud data centers includes deployments in North America, South America, Asia/Pacific region, Japan, and Europe, with more announced in the near future based on our partners’ geographic needs and growth. Complete fail-over and redundancy are built into the solution, both in each data canter as well as the global infrastructure.
OEM url classification and categorization, it’s all we do.