Utilizing commodity hardware, the inCompass® SDK consistently achieved URL lookups and responds in less than 10 milliseconds per request. To put that in to human understandable terms as it relates to your project, that’s faster than you can blink. Utilizing the same commodity hardware you’re using today, inCompass supports over 250,000 look-ups per second with a single instance of the technology running. To increase capacity, our large OEM Partners have run multiple threads of the SDK without experiencing any lag.

These speed and performance index numbers further demonstrate what has widely been known in the industry. NetSTAR inCompass technology is not only the fastest solution, but also can support the most URL lookup requests by a significant margin over our competition. Competitive solutions tend to require significantly more resources, require more CPU utilization, have larger database foot prints, and take as long as 1.2 seconds per URL request and support lookup rates in the thousands not hundreds of thousands per second.

inCompass® can be deployed as a local SDKCloud lookup service, Hybrid, or Data Center service.